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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/patchestheghost on 2023-08-11 20:22:12.

I (27F) recently met “Adam” (35) who has a daughter (4). I’ve hung out with him a few times and this is not a romantic relationship. Adam is divorced and is splits custody with his ex wife. From what I hear (mostly) he is a very hands-on dad although said he doesn’t see himself as an authoritative figure to his 4 year old and more like a best friend. I found that kind of weird but whatever. Anyway, Adam is obsessed with roller coasters. He just fucking loves them. He wears roller coaster shirts, has roller coaster figurines and art in his home, and exclusively only goes on vacation to theme parks to meet other roller coaster enthusiasts. It’s his favorite thing. He shares this with his daughter which is sweet, and takes her to the parks with him. The thing is, he told me he leaves his 4 year old daughter alone and unattended while he rides the rides she’s too small for. Like, at a Six Flags. I told him that sounded dangerous and his daughter be kidnapped. He said that it wasn’t because his daughter wore a watch he could track her with. I said that an amusement park sounds like prime real estate for kidnappers and the first thing I would do as a kidnapper would take off any technology a child had on and it’s not like the watch would stop me from taking her. He said I was weird for even thinking of this, that I couldn’t understand because I didn’t have kids, that his daughter was very autonomous and I was the AH for implying he was neglectful. Maybe I should have minded my business and I don’t much about childhood development but 4 seems too young to be alone at a theme park.