link to original reddit post by /u/Ship-Outside

The issue with government isnt who is in charge.

Surely, there are better and worse candidates, but the issue is the inherent structure. Government by definition is there to rule. As such any form of government will lead to social tension, because there is literally no issue we agree on in unisono. Whether you have a dictatorial government run by a single person deciding on his whim, or whether it is a democracy were a majority decides. Even if the democracy is an actual one were it isnt a simple majority rules, but compromises being made between the positions (no matter how minor the opposition may be), the structure still remains.

Everyone unhappy with the current ruling, will be unhappy. This will always lead to the tension, which we can see everywhere around the world. No matter how free a supposed society is, no matter how rich a country is. The tension is always there.

Honestly, I have a though time finding a politician, were I can say: "This one, s/he should have the power to decide aspects of my life."

As someone who doesnt want to rule others, I can confidently say: No one will satisfy me, in the way they want to rule over me.

Whats most depressing about our current state is that there isnt a single body I am involved with, where this form of ruling is indeed needed. Whether it is at work or in private, there simply is no need for governance from above. We organise by sense and authority through competence.

And in my critique I dont even need to point at fiscal policies, lobbyism, corruption, opinion-sovereignity and all those other factors that actively influence our governance to the point that democracy has become nothing but a joke, a really bad one even...