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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/LamarcusAldrige1234 on 2024-12-21 04:38:10+00:00.
Under Brian Kelly, Notre Dame appeared in either a BCS Bowl Game, College Football Playoff, or a New Years 6 Bowl four times (a fifth was coached by Freeman as Kelly resigned before the 2022 Fiesta Bowl to coach LSU). Here are the results:
- 2012 BCS National Title Game: Alabama 42, Notre Dame 14
- 2016 Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 44, Notre Dame 28
- 2018 Cotton Bowl (CFP): Clemson 30, Notre Dame 3
- 2021 Rose Bowl (CFP): Alabama 31, Notre Dame 14
The remaining 8 years of Brian Kelly’s tenure did not see the team reach even a NY6 Bowl. Marcus Freeman has already registered a better postseason win than anything Brian Kelly did in 12 years.