link to original reddit post by /u/mrpenguin_86
With the newest authoritarian in power, there has been a renewed push that the US K-12 system as it stands does not prepare kids for 21st century jobs. Said by a guy still stuck mentally in the 70s of course. But anyhow, what a joke. If anyone has noticed, our public schools and universities still teach like it was the 60s. Kids are taught Shakespeare and early native american cultural dances, not coding, project management, financing, etc. Universities, as we all know, haven't changed a bit: 2 years at $50k/year having books read to you in 300-person lecture halls by graduate students getting paid $12/hour.
It recently dawned on me after thinking about this. Our school systems are job programs, not educational institutions. All the money poured into all of them for decades has gone straight to administration. No one really cares about educational outcomes, and the few who pretend to care are just using it as an excuse to funnel more of our money into the schools.
What a joke.