link to original reddit post by /u/skylercollins

So leftists are all about power disparities, right?

Is there a greater power disparity between a mother and an unborn baby?

If leftists hold greater concern for those disadvantaged in a power disparity, then it would seem like leftists would be pro-life, not pro-choice. "Save the totally disempowered baby at all costs! Smash the Matriarchy!", they should be saying.

Far be it for me to expect leftists to be consistent, but this is something I've never heard anybody else point out.

(I'll leave a comment to my own views on abortion, if you're interested.)

The only way that I can see around this is if they consider the unborn baby to be subhuman, and it seems that they do. Power disparities are only of concern as it involves humans.

How is this any different than a racist considering people of another race to be subhuman, then? Both are rather subjective and arbitrary, are they not?
