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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/aitathrowawa56 on 2023-08-07 19:00:37.

I (F20s) had a coworker (M30s) who was obsessed with me being a christian. We had a normal working relationship up until he noticed my cross necklace. It started out with him just being a bit annoying. He’d ask me why I was homophobic (I’m gay), why I believe women should be locked up during menstruation. Essentially just picking out parts of the Old Testament and demanding I apologise for believing/following them, regardless of whether I actually did.

Eventually I just started to ignore him. This seemed to have upset him as it got worse from there. It went from asking questions to full on harassment. Anytime I was alone with him he’d berate me and call me awful names for beliefs he thought I had. At one point he told me that if he SA’d me then I couldn’t do anything about it other than marry him because of “my religion”.

I had enough and reported him to HR and he was fired (I think other people might have been complaining about him for a while because I don’t think my complaint was enough to justify termination).

I’m happy that he’s gone and I can go back to working in peace. But a few of my coworkers have said I should have just ignored him because he didn’t deserve to lose his job. I’ve also had one coworker (white) call me racist for claiming discrimination as a white christian, despite the fact I never once used that word (HR did) because I was facing bullying not discrimination.