TL;DR for anyone from Mander:

Big Mander logo: check in the top half, near the center, to the right of the Swedish flag. Was planned out by yours truly, though came by and helped out (thank you!). The outline/background around the text was done by various other users, including , , and – thanks for coming by to help beautify our logo!

Small mander logo: in the bottom right quadrant, between the EU flag and Ramona Flowers. Seems like this one was done by ; I just added the text above it.

Original post’s text below.

cross-posted from:

Thanks for joining in! The canvas is now finished!

I’m going to be leaving the canvas up and read-only for a couple days, but not too long.

This was incredibly fun to host, thank you all for participating!

Future Events

I’d love to make this a yearly event. Expanding from just Lemmy to the entirety of the fediverse aswell!

I’ll reuse this Lemmy community & the Matrix space for that event

If you have suggestions for future events, post them in a comment on this post, each suggestion as it’s own comment so people can vote on them

