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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Minute_Vehicle_910 on 2023-08-06 21:27:44.

I reside nearby to a stadium that serves as the home ground for my state’s football team and also hosts various events. Parking in my neighborhood is in high demand when the stadium is having an event. Yesterday I left out for a quick errand. I briefly conversed with my neighbor who was also outside and then headed to my car. As I prepared to leave, a concertgoer pulled up and asked to use my spot. I declined with apologies, citing I wouldn’t be gone for long. I suggested other parking options and they thanked me.

Despite this, my neighbor (that witnessed everything) called me and said the concertgoers parked there anyway once I left. My neighbor told the concertgoer that he didn’t think it was wise for them to park there, reiterating that I said I wouldn’t be gone for long. The concertgoer explained to my neighbor that the concert was only two hours and that they would likely be gone before I returned. This wildly inaccurate assumption annoyed me. I knew I’d definitely be home before then. Besides this, I pay for a reserved parking spot with clear signage. No matter the duration of my absence, you are unauthorized to park there anyway without my permission. So, I returned home (the errand was under 30 minutes) & got them towed. I parked my car elsewhere as a preemptive in case they sought retaliation.

My neighbor thinks I’m justified in my actions because we both told them not to park there, & there’s clear signage that it’s a reserved parking spot, so they should’ve known there was a possibility of towing. My wife thinks I’m the AH because I ended up parking my car elsewhere anyway and I should have just let it go. Sure, I was being petty because I was mildly inconvenienced, but I don’t think I’m the asshole here.