link to original reddit post by /u/friggia9

Hi all, I hope that this post conforms to the rules of the sub (I checked the rules again and didn't see any apparent qualms). I'm a member of this sub who lives in.....egats, DC. That means, you guessed it, I am surrounded by folks that I of course like and tolerate but feel diametrically opposed to, yet I've grown up here my whole life. There's things about this city that I do love and feel attached to, therefore I'm not moving anytime soon unless there's a secession from the union of any State where my values are more shared by the general population (then I'd consider it). Meeting people here can be a nightmare though, because most people work within and champion the federal government, and most others identify themselves as "fighting for social and racial equity." Although I know it's a long shot, if anyone would like to DM me, it would at least make me feel not so alone here.

As an aside, I know of one car parked in a certain neighborhood which has a very prominent Ron Paul bumper sticker. If the owner of this car is here, DM me please 😄.