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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwawayPale_Ad1672 on 2023-08-05 20:04:29.

Yesterday my (22m) girlfriend and I went to the movies to go see barbie. I purchased our tickets a few days before, and got us seats next to each other in the middle row. When we got into the theater a woman and her daughter were in our seats. I’m not sure how old the daughter was but she looked about 5 or 6. I let the woman know that they were our seats and I even showed her the tickets. She said when she purchased her tickets they only had two seats available, one in the front row and another in the far back.

She said she wanted to sit next to her daughter and she didn’t want her sitting that far away from her so she asked if my girlfriend and I could swap seats. I told her that wasn’t my problem and I paid for those seats, so I politely asked her if they would get up. The woman said she understood I paid for the seats but I didn’t have to be rude and inconsiderate. Before the conversation went any further someone who overheard us said they would swap seats with the woman and her daughter.

As we were leaving the theater my girlfriend said she felt bad for the woman and giving up our seats would’ve been the right thing to do and I was being a bit inconsiderate. At first I didn’t think I did anything wrong, I paid for those seats and the woman purchased the tickets knowing she wouldn’t be able to sit with her daughter. Now I’m starting to feel a little bad because of what my girlfriend and the woman said. AITA?