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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Important-Party1291 on 2023-08-05 15:33:33.

Last night my husband’s friend’s dad passed away in the middle of the night. Husband went to stay over with his friend for support. He called their other friend A who also lives nearby, but his wife B didn’t permit him to sleep over. She said that she needed help with their 1 year old daughter. B lives her husband and her in laws so she has plenty of help around the house. It’s not like they were having a boys night. I told her that she can survive without her husband for one night in a joking manner. Today I woke up to an angry text saying how I was undermining her concerns and was rude to her.

She keeps on insisting that it is hard for her as new mother and I was not being considerate with my statement and there was so much nagging that I m beginning to self doubt the way i conducted myself as well

Edit: I agree that I am the asshole for speaking out my mind when I should have kept my mouth shut.

But yall keep telling me I m making assumptions about the wife with no evidence. That’s simply untrue. We didn’t meet yesterday and have known eachother for years. It is indeed an unhappy arranged marriage where the wife has been controlling of the whole household, including the in laws. She has personally told me when my husband and I married that I needed to assert dominance within the first three days. So pardon me if I m not a fan of her.

I didn’t realize I would have to narrate their whole family history in order to not get bashed.