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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/theantnest on 2023-08-05 15:45:19.

My wife and I live on a seasonal tourist island in the Mediterranean in a beautiful but small Spanish stone finca on a large orchard.

My wife does not work and I have a seasonal business. From March to October I work insane hours. Average 12 hours a day, usually in split shifts with a siesta in the afternoon, where usually I come home, eat, have a power nap, then back to work. This month I will do even more hours than usual as August is peak tourist season. On the upside, in the winter I don’t need to work because I make all my money in the season, and my wife doesn’t need to work at all.

Due to my unusual schedule, and after my own family came to visit for 2 long weeks four years ago, I decided that having guests in our house for more than a week is just too much during the season (in winter I’m fine with it). My work load, plus having people staying that are on vacation is just too much for me. I need my downtime or I burn out. A week I enjoy, but any more and I start just getting frustrated and need my personal space back.

My wife has some friends coming to stay first week of September for 4 nights and I’m really looking forward to it. I know these girls, and they are great fun, our kind of people. No problem.

The other night, my wife said that her brother, his wife and their toddler will come and stay the last 2 weeks of September and I was a bit confused, as we had discussed our maximum one week strategy many times before. I said that I’d love to have them for a week and reminded my wife that we already have guests a week before that.

My wife starts to get upset with me and says 10 days. I remind her that they also have an 18 month old, our house is far from child friendly (we are child free) and that it will be just too much for me right at the end of the season. She thinks I’m being an AH because her brother needs a summer beach vacation and we haven’t spent a lot of time with them since the baby was born, which is all true.

I do really like BIL and his family, but also, they do not really speak much English and I don’t speak their language, so it takes even more energy to deal with that from my side.

So reddit, WIBTA for enforcing the one week stay rule, or should I cave and keep the peace to my own detriment? My wife is pretty upset with me about it.

Bring on the judgement.