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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Crystal_0686 on 2023-08-04 16:10:55.

I (17F), my mom, my dad, and my sister took a flight to our homeland on Ryan air. We booked seats at the very end of the row each sitting parallel each other. Let me explain

🧑 🧑 Me (ISLE) SISTER 👩 👩

🧑 👩 MOM (ISLE) DAD 👩 👩

The woman sitting 3 rows Infront of me wanted to sit next to her boy, her husband and her baby in my seat. I said I wanted to sit next to my family and we specifically payed the extra fee to make sure we all sit on the end of the rows to prevent me from not feeling well and it will bring me comfort to sit next to my family ( I am a nervous flyer). I kindly refused her but she kept on insisting and I said no in a more sudden tone. She decides to reply with “You guys can see each other after anyway?”. This had me fuming. “And you could have payed the extra fee instead of arguing with me ?” I said angrily. A flight attendant came up to us and I explained the situation. She said that if I refuse to change seats there is nothing she can do and we need to sit down because we are about to take off. My final answer was no. If her husband wasn’t there, fine but he was there to take care of the child and the baby. She goes back to her seat angrily and I sit down too. For those who don’t know, a lap infant is a child under the age of 2 who don’t qualify for their own seat yet. She could have easily just held the child herself at her seat if that’s where the baby feels more comfortable in it’s mothers arms instead she decides to cause a scene and keep on going back and fourth looking stressed to make me look like a bad person then she stands in the middle of the isle with her baby staring at me and blocking everyone way which made people more stressed at me because this hassle could have been easily avoided if I just agreed to switch my seat with her in other peoples isles. While holding her baby she made comments like “it’s okay don’t cry, what can I do if this girl doesn’t want to switch with me because she is nervous “ she said in a sarcastic tone. AITA?