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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Worldly-Health87 on 2023-08-03 09:02:24.

My sister, Rose, was engaged to my best friend Noah several years ago. During their engagement she asked if he would support the two of them while she returned to college for a change of career. He loved her and was more than happy to do this. During this time she was all in on school, or so we all thought, and she left him to take care of everything household related. Then three months before they were due to get married we found her cheating on him with his cousin. Noah’s cousin is a huge AH who bullied Noah throughout their childhood and into their 20s. So the cheating hurt worse than anything. Noah’s cousin was smug as hell when we found him and Rose together and even revealed she had been pregnant with his kid and had an abortion with Noah’s money. The affair had been ongoing for months, almost the entire time he had been maintaining everything by himself while she was supposed to be only dedicated to college.

I was disgusted with Rose and told her I would not stand by her side after what she did to Noah. She said she wasn’t shocked since I always wanted to fuck Noah, which is not true but he’s my dearest friend and more family to me than she is. She was with the cousin for a while and then he gave her an STD. She moved away after that.

She moved closer to home three months ago, with a husband, and was surprised when I treated her like a stranger instead of a sister. She was even more surprised that Noah and I remained close and that he was person of honor in my wedding, a wedding she had not been invited to and had not been aware that I had. She tried to talk things through with me in front of her husband but it became clear he was under the impression it was childish sibling issues between us. She told me we deserve a chance to be close for the first time and she accused me of putting a friend before family. I told her she had some nerve, that she’s a shitty human and I would never choose her over Noah. That he is there for me like I am him and all she ever did was ignore me and then destroy my best friend. Her husband asked what the hell we were talking about and I told him what she had done, how she had left things, and that she came back acting like none of it happened and judged me for staying close to Noah.

Rose is pissed as hell at me and said I am holding this against her too much, treating her badly, and interfering in her marriage which is none of her business. She tried to retaliate by telling my husband that Noah and I used to be a thing. My husband is still laughing so hard his sides hurt. He knows both Noah and I enough to know it’s untrue and he trusts me. I told Rose she was still petty as hell. She told me I’m the one who went too far.

AITA for what I said to her and her husband?