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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/According-Travel-250 on 2023-08-03 05:00:09.

My son has been referring to us by our first names, or otherwise sarcastically as sir or ma’am, since he was a teenager and it is something I have always despised. I hoped he would outgrow this phase but unfortunately it has been a habit of his for over two decades now. My husband and I are at present on a cross country trip and have stopped for a few days to visit our son and his partner.

While we were present, they were discussing plans they have with his partner’s family who live in the area. My son asked his partner to “let mom and dad know we’ll be over by 3pm on Monday” in reference to his partners parents. At first I was in a moment of shock before the wave of emotions overtook me and I started to cry. No one offered to comfort me for a while, before my son-in-law asked me if I was okay or needed anything. I decided to be open with them and explain how it hurt me that my own son refuses to call me “mom” but will happily do so to someone else. I feel like he even made a point to do so right in front of me. Meanwhile my husband just decided to step outside because its overwhelming for him when I cry.

My son just asked me to calm down, and even felt it necessary to tell me I could either collect myself or otherwise we were free to leave. He seems to think I was so emotional as a ploy to manipulate him, rather than and honest display of how I feel. I just don’t know what happened to my once sweet little boy.