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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/MoreYesterday216 on 2023-08-02 21:04:09.

My (M30) ex (F28) broke up with me four months ago to take a job overseas. It sucked but I dealt.

She left behind some stuff which is still in storage and her dog James.

She has had James for twelve years. I only made his acquaintance six years ago. We are bros.

James was very cool with staying with me. He is used to my apartment and my neighbourhood.

I made sure to keep his diet and routine the same because he was an old fusspot and would whine of I got him a treat he hadn’t tried before. Until I tried to take it away. Then he would snatch it up and run under my bed.

Unfortunately he got a twisted stomach. He was an old dog and the vet said that the surgery would be expensive and that there would be no guarantee that James would wake up.

I cried my eyes out and asked the vet to please send James over the rainbow bridge.

My ex’s mom saw me the other day and asked about James. I told her what happened and she said she was sorry. But she also called her daughter. Who then called me to call me a petty asshole for putting down her dog to spite her.

I hung up and blocked her on everything.

I did everything I could to keep him happy after she left. I didn’t do this to hurt her. I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do for James.

Maybe I could have contacted her to pay for the surgery but she takes days/weeks to get back to me.