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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Tricky-Nectarine-929 on 2023-08-01 13:11:14.

I (27F) work in retail. There is a guy here, who I’ll call Boy (21M), that no one likes.

Boy doesn’t like to work. He likes to socialize and avoid doing his actual job under the guise of helping associates. He’s been reprimanded a few times (by his own admission) for this. Even customers will ask if he’s working to specifically avoid him. It also should be noted that B is on the spectrum, and has some other mental health issues.

Boy CAN be a very nice kid, when he wants to be. But most of the time, and I hate to say it, he’s a dick. Purposefully rude, annoying and just all around not super fun to be around.

Now, I understand that people on the spectrum (myself included) don’t always know when they’re being rude, and I’ve pointed it out to him on a few occasions and he just shrugs and goes “I don’t care. I’d rather be honest”.

He shows up an hour or two before his shift to socialize and be a nuisance, which fine. Doesn’t bug me.

He comes up to me yesterday, and we start talking. He asks me if I’d like to go to his church, which I politely declined. I’m not religious, and think organized religion is a sham. He kept pressing, saying that my kids would benefit from knowing the word of God and blah blah. I just ignored it and kept declining. I ask him if he could do me a favor: get me some ice from the back for my cup. I can’t leave my desk, as I’m the only one in the morning. He says “no, I’d rather not waste my time on you” and walks away.

Lunch time comes, and I’m sitting in the break room with my cashier, Tally (58F). B comes in and starts talking, which most people ignore. He then looks at our table and starts talking shit about how he gets to go home and we’re stuck here so we should be jealous of him, plus a couple other things I can’t remember.

Before I could stop myself, I ask “why would any of us need to be jealous of you?” and he just looked at me, a little hurt. He didn’t say much after that and left.

Tally said I didn’t do anything wrong with what I said, but I feel guilty because I’m not normally an AH to Boy.