The original post: /r/television by /u/SuperGuy41 on 2024-08-21 21:23:49.
I don’t understand what happened with this show. As a massive fan of the Vikings show I really wanted this to be just as good. After watching the first season of Valhalla I was massively underwhelmed. Unlikable characters, think plot and suspect writing. Season 2 seemed to be even worse and I was mainly watching it just for completeness not because I wanted to. Then when season 3 arrived I lost the will to follow it anymore…. Until one day when bored I stuck it on.
The show is miles better in s3. Writing, acting, story, character intelligence, likability, hell even the musical score was on point. I absolutely loved this season, there was not a wasted scene. So why was the quality in this season soooo much better than the others?!