(Liroiner) (2024)

Image description: A creative food presentation that resembles a dog, set against a wooden tabletop background. The ‘dog’ is made from spaghetti noodles, with two large cherry tomatoes and olives placed as eyes, olive nose, and basil leaves for ears. It is positioned on top of a layer of tomato sauce that covers the plate beneath it, and there are additional green garnishes adorning the plate.

Full Generation Parameters:

a cute tiny dog made completely out of spaghetti bolognese with cute big eyes made of tomatoes, ears made of bazil leafes and a muzzle made of meatballs, standing on a plate filled with tomatosauce Steps: 4, CFG scale: 1, Sampler: Undefined, Seed: 1837988708, Size: 1024x1024, Created Date: 2024-08-19T0549:05.9947218Z, Clip skip: 2