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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/New_Context1938 on 2023-07-30 07:45:06.

Hi. I am 39 female currently married to my husband 42 male “J.” Currently writing this in bed, alone, after a heated argument with my husband. He left to go to his brothers house.

So for some context, My husband J grew up in a pretty conservative, religious household while I, grew up almost the opposite. This may or may not be the reason for this disagreement and lack of being able to see eye to eye.

So heres the story: Last week my daughter had a pretty nasty ear infection which led her to being on antibiotics for about a week. She was taking the liquid version which is very foul tasting and very hard to convince her to take. In the past shes refused to try pills until this week after countless tantrums over the antibiotics. We first started with soft small things like a tiny cut up piece of her vitamin gummy then onto more solid things such as larger but still small sprinkles. After we both gained some confidence I had the great idea to give her one of my sugar pills out of my birth control packet as I never actually take them and I thought it would help her moving from things she usually eats to real medicine as sometimes theres mental blocks, learnt from experience. Also sugar pills wont have any physical affect on her like other medicines so I thought it was a great idea.

She manages to swallow it first go and we were estatic! She grabs the pill packet and runs to her father to tell him her accomplishment. He did not take it well at all. He walks into the kitchen fuming shouting at me asking what I was thinking and how stupid I am… I thought he misunderstood and thought that I gave her one of the real pills and was concerned about her health so I explained it to him about the sugar pills but he replied with how that doesn’t change anything and Im pretty much setting her up to be a ‘s word’ and that im normalising sex at a young age. I was absolutely baffled by this accusation but as I am not the confrontational type I just left the room and started crying. He soon ran off to his brothers house.

He has never behaved in this way before and Im honestly crushed. I never explained what the pills do to my daughter, only that they were mommy’s pills that she cannot use without my permission and that the white ones are the only safe ones for her to consume just this one time for practice. Im to embarrassed to talk to my close circle incase they have the same reaction so Im asking some strangers instead… Please let me know if I was in the wrong.