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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/dotnetguy1032 on 2023-07-28 16:15:41.

I am 72 years old and live in a retirement community. One of my neighbors and I have been going on a vigorous walk for several years now to get some exercise. We keep a pretty good clip to get our heart rate up.

A couple of months ago, when we were on our walk, we stopped by a yard sale of one of our other neighbors. She is widowed and doesn’t have many friends. We got to talking and told her that we were on our morning walk. She asked if she could join us and we agreed. I should mention that she is very heavy set, and we both though the exercise would do her good!

However, she simply cannot keep the pace that we need to get our heart rate up. For her, this is a social walk and she doesn’t seem to show any signs of taking this seriously as exercise or improving her rate.

My walking partner and I feel like we have really aren’t getting the most of our walk now and I’m starting to feel the effects of the lack of vigorous exercise.

I would feel terrible to kick her off of our walk because she so enjoys the company. But we don’t want this walk to be strictly social.

I’m thinking maybe we could invite her to other activities in our community, but it would be more sparse. Not every day.

What do you think? WIBTA if I tell her she can’t walk with us anymore?