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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/benzpls on 2023-07-28 15:09:25.

We are both 23F. It’s been getting into the 90s (F) where we live, so I’ve been turning on the ac when I get home. I also work a physically intense outdoor job so I come home really sweaty and exhausted from the heat. The apartment will stay cool enough for me to fall asleep but then later on I’ll wake up in the middle of the night completely drenched in sweat. I’ll then get up and find out that my roommate has been switching the ac off while I’m sleeping. This really upsets me because it’s been making me really dehydrated and tired to begin with from not sleeping well and it’s been impacting my work.

She’s unemployed right now so I thought she might’ve been hung up about the power bill. When I finally talked to her about it I explained that I’m already very sensitive to heat to begin with and that because we’re fortunate enough to have ac I want to enjoy it when I get home especially after a long day at work, and that the heat is causing problems for me. I even offered to foot some of her share of the power bill if she was really that concerned about it. But then she said that she turns it off because the apartment gets too cold (I should add that our AC is set at 70 and has never been moved lower than that).

I told her that she should just use some blankets or put a sweater on if it was really bothering her, because the heat is unbearable. She then countered by saying that because she’s in recovery from anorexia she’s really sensitive to cold and that I’m not prioritizing her needs. I then responded by saying, “I’m sympathetic to your situation, but that is your problem and not mine, and it is starting to have a negative impact on me and we need to find some middle ground here, because I can’t take off my skin when it gets too hot.” She then got extremely upset and angry and told me that I was being ableist and insensitive. I’m kind of bothered by this because I’ve also had struggles with eating disorders in the past. So am I the asshole here?