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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/babyxoxo19 on 2023-07-28 06:18:40.

My boyfriend(30m) and I(27f) have been together for over two years. I’ve met everyone important to him in his life including one of his best friends and his best friends wife who have a one year old child. I’ve never had a problem with them and have always liked them but we were never close so I was surprised when his wife asked if I would watch their son once a week. She said she could drop him off and asked how far away she thought my boyfriend and I lived from them. I told her it was about a 30 minute drive. She she oh you can just come to my house then and hang out and watch him there. She told me she wouldn’t be able to pay me much which didn’t bother me because I wouldn’t expect to make money off of them but I figured they would at least cover my gas. Well, I was wrong. It’s been over a month now that I’ve been watching him once a week for around 6 hours and they haven’t offered me a cent. Halfway through the month she told me she’d make me bread. The next week, she told me she forgot to make it. No big deal I thought. Then, the next week, she made one loaf for herself that was freshly made when I got there and told me she forgot to make me any.

Now, I don’t need her to make me bread but I just thought it was disrespectful. What really set me off was when we had a 4th of July party and she started talking about how she dropped her son off at his grandmas house and the grandma made a comment about how she herself would always throw people a couple dollars when they watched her kids. This pissed her off and she said paying people to watch her kid wasn’t an option. Then, I overhear her talking to one of my boyfriends other friends who is a tattoo artist about her next tattoo. So, I’m thinking, you can afford a tattoo but not someone to watch your kid? I felt like I was being used.

Today, I texted her and said I wasn’t going to be able to watch her son anymore and then i blocked her, not wanting any conversation about the situation. I just wanted it to be over. Her husband called my boyfriend and told him that they hadn’t heard from me all day which is NOT true. My boyfriend told me I should’ve handled the situation better. I feel disrespected and that my boyfriend should be on my side in a situation where I was obviously being taken advantage of. My boyfriend and I live together and I only work part time while I go to school full time. We’re not rich by any means. I think it’s wrong of his friend and his wife to basically expect me to pay to watch their kid! AITA?