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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/TheActual_Idiot on 2023-07-27 19:55:12.

I (24M) and my husband (25M) have been happily married for a little over a year now. We met through a mutual friend and he learned very quickly that I am a vegan. About a year after we met and got closer, we started dating. He had no issues with me being vegan, but made it very clear that I couldn’t force him into being a vegan, which I respected. I haven’t ever put him down for eating meat in front of me, as that is his choice. Each to their own. We even served both vegan and meat-inclusive food at our wedding to accommodate both of our families.

Up till now, everything was great. However, recently I’ve been seeing a ton of vegan recipes on my pinterest and decided I wanted to try making one for dinner. We don’t usually end up getting to have fancy dinners at home as both of us work full time, but I found some time today to cook something up. It was a recipe for pulled pork sandwiches, but the pork wasn’t actually pork, instead it was jackfruit. He seemed a little stressed about work but I showed him the surprise dinner, and that seemed to help his mood out.

He ate it happily, and even complimented my cooking. But when he asked what was in it - and when I told him it was a pulled pork sandwich with jackfruit as a meat alternative - he lashed out. He shouted, telling me that he made it clear he was staying a meat eater. I tried explaining that I wasn’t trying to turn him into a vegan, but he’d just walked away then. This happened a few hours back, and now he’s refusing to talk to me.

I feel like I might be the asshole for making him a vegan meal even though he’d made it extremely clear he wouldn’t become one, because even if it wasn’t my intention to make him one I still made a vegan dinner that passed off as one with meat in it.

So Reddit, Am I the Asshole?