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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/mykaden on 2023-07-27 15:15:46.

My partner, I, and my wider family were going on holiday to a campsite a about two hundred miles away. We planned en-route to stop at a pub to get some lunch. We met at the wider family at the pub and were going to sit at one big table and share a meal. We rarely spend time together in this way.

There were four car-loads of different parts of the family all going to the same holiday destination. The problem is, my favourite meal at the pub (a chain pub that has roughly the same meals across the country) and one that I had been looking forward to, had crisps (potato chips in most other places) as part of the meal I really wanted: wraps. I am a fussy eater and little else on the menu appealed to me.

I love the wraps at this place and I love the crisps that comes with the wraps. The wrap isn’t that big and to get my money’s worth, and to ensure I was full, I wanted to eat both the wrap and the crisps. I didn’t want to waste part of the meal by not having the crisps.

Now for the problem: My sister and her husband had also arranged to meet us at the pub. They too were travelling to the campsite. But her husband has a serious aversion to crisps. We don’t know why, but we suspect something happened when he was at school, possibly involving a bullying incident and crisps. But we don’t nkow. He has never told us why he can’t be around them. He refuses to explain.

He seriously struggles to be around crisps. The noise, smell or sight of them has him freaking out. In the shops he can’t even walk down the crisp aisle. Because of my aforementioned hunger and not wanting to waste food, I decided that, with her agreement, myself and my wife would go and eat at a table away from the rest of the family, so as to avoid my brother in law freaking out about the crisps. I had then planned to rejoin the family at their table afterwards. We did this.

Afterwards I was castiagted by almost everyone for being antisocial and selfish and some told me they’d never go on holiday with me again because of my actions. They said I should have chose another meal option or just ordered the wrap without crisps.

AITA for wanting to not waste part of my meal and forego the crisps option when I knew my brother in law has some very big issues with them?