”I swear, you’ve read those first contact protocols more than Picard.” Gwyn is too polite to reply that she, an alien child who grew up in a Delta Quadrant labour camp, has has no context for who Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is, even if he was captain of Starfleet’s flagship.

• Asencia [Jameela Jamil] escaped capture in the previous season’s “Supernova, Part 1” after murdering the Diviner.

• Janeway’s admiral’s log records the stardate as 61859.6.

    • The most recent stardate prior this episode was 61302.7, given in the fourteenth episode of season one, “Crossroads”.

• This is the first time we’re learning that the Diviner’s [John Noble] name was…is? Ilthuran. In season one, he was only ever referred to by his title.

”We were just a bunch of nobodies on a rock. No hope, no future, until we found that ship.” Dal is referring to the events of the season one premiere episodes “Lost and Found”.

• The crew of the USS Voyager and their allies used temporal shielding during conflicts with the Krenim during “Year of Hell” and “Year of Hell, Part II”.

”Refuse to help my own daughter? Surely I don’t make that bad of a father, do I?” The Diviner choose to abandon Gwyn on a sentient planet that manifested the nightmares of its inhabitants and then consumed them in “Terror Firma”.

• The Vulcan Nova Squadron cadet is named Maj’el, for the late Majel Barrett, who portrayed:

    • Number One

    • Christine Chapel

    • Lwaxana Troi

    • The Computer in TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, “Star Trek Generations”, “Star Trek First Contact”, “Star Trek Insurrection”, “Star Trek Nemesis”, and 2009’s “Star Trek”

    • Several other characters in TAS, including Amanda Greyson and M’Ress

• This is the first on screen mention of a sonic toilet.

• Maj’el claims that Vulcan psychic abilities are enhanced in the presence of other telepaths. I believe this is the first time this has been explicitly stated, or even implied on screen.

• One of the crew who gets on the turbolift with Maj’el calls for deck 32. In the previous episode, Zero said that the USS Voyager A has 29 decks.

”Warp cores are so beautiful up close. It’s the delta radiation.” Delta radiation? You mean the thing that melted captain Christopher Pike and consigned him to a tortured existence in a beep chair? Too soon, Zero, too soon.

    • Mirror Charles Tucker III was also deformed by long term exposure to delta rays.