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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Arorababy on 2023-07-26 20:14:17.

I’m going to start at the beginning. So I (19f) was about to have my son, my mil always insisted I let her be in the delivery room with me but I didn’t feel comfortable with that since I’d be spread open wide and push a baby out of my hooha. So I politely said “I’d like it to be my mom and my bf, because I’m a very private person.” She insisted more and said she’s seen plenty of births and wouldn’t judge me. But I just wasn’t comfortable and my bf said it was 100% my decision. So birth day, it was around 10am when I went to the hospital, we made some calls to my family and he called his family, my mother came to the room and instantly grabbed my hand and asked if I needed anything, I was around 6cm and in a lot of pain. Next thing I knew I heard the door and there was my mil. She asked how I was doing and I said “in pain but what are you doing in here” and she made a sad face and said “well, you have your mom for support so I’m here to support my son, and I’m so excited for my new grand baby.” The nurse looked at me and asked if I wanted her in there and I said “no.” So she kicked her out. I gave birth to my son a few hours later and requested no visitors, there were only supposed to be 2 in a room with me anyways. After they moved me to a different room, my mil and her side of the family all came into my room at once and all decided to pass my son around. I was furious! I grabbed my bf and told him to kick everyone out including his mom, and I told the nurse no one except my mom and bf into the room because I’ve had enough. A week after my son was born I finally let my bf’s side of the family see my son with strict rules (wash hands, NO KISSING, and no smoky clothes) well my mil decided she was gonna kiss my son all over his face and told me it was no big deal. So I packed up and left with my son, and now I’m ignoring her. My bf thinks she crossed too many boundaries and said she’s always been like this, so he said I’m definitely in the right, but ofc his family thinks I’m in the wrong bc it’s her grand baby. It’s my son, and she hasn’t respected any of my wishes. AITA?