Registration requirements
I’ve had to ban multiple vile accounts this morning. It seems this instance has found itself on the radar of trolls.
To that end, sign-ups now require users to fill in a questionnaire prior to joining. I always thought it was lame, and it won’t really prevent a troll account from joining, but it would slow them down, and likely cause them to find another easier-to-join instance.
I shall be upgrading the instance to 0.19.4 this afternoon at 1600 UK time, so expect a little downtime
Cached images
We use the standard group of services for Lemmy, including the pict-rs image/thumbnail cache. This image cache grew to 700G recently and continues to grow as Lemmy grows. Therefore some effort has been made to keep it under control.
Cached images from other instances are now only kept for 90-days. This doesn’t remove the original image. 8 months ago
Update has been completed. A few months ago I foolishly updated to a beta version, and this introduced database changes that are not part of the standard migration path. So of course, the standard migration scripts that get run on startup failed, and I’m left with a broken instance.
Luckily some others had the same issue and this was discussed at…
I had two functions of the same name when the migration script was only expecting the one. So I removed the one that didn’t match the expected function body, and the migraton worked.
I also wanted to migrate pict-rs from the disk-based SLED database to its own PostGres instance, but at the rate it was going, it was going to take 4 hours. The server its running on is full NVMe, enterprise hardware (Dell Poweredge) but its getting on a bit (I’ll be purchasing a newer server for the datacenter later this year).
I shall retry the pict-rs migration in the next few days but it will mean an extended downtime. 8 months ago
Thank you for your hard work. The pict-rs thing sounds like a pain. But if the instance drops, I’ll know that’s what you’re doing. Probably best to do it overnight.