In the era of “Representation matters” we’re supposed to just accept that women are being erased from society and replaced with someone who claims to be us but also full-on ridicules us.

We’re called transphobes if we think that obviously biological men shouldn’t be competing in women’s sports and, yes, women should have the right to not encounter penises, no matter the self-identifying gender of the person with that penis, in their locker rooms.

And we’re not supposed to notice transgenderism has become an ideology that’s being aimed at children.

No one cared when it was grown adults who changed their pronouns or presented as the opposite gender.

The transgender-youth population has doubled in the last five years.

And we’re not supposed to notice transgenderism has become an ideology that’s being aimed at children.

No one cared when it was grown adults who changed their pronouns or presented as the opposite gender.

The transgender-youth population has doubled in the last five years.