Only one small thread on reddit despite the production value and star power and opinions are mixed too I don’t wanna sit through 6 or 8 episode for an average show so how would you rate it ? Also spoiler free review if you can .
I have yet to see it, but in addition to the lackluster reddit thread, here are the IMDB reviews:
While IMDB has rated a number of films/shows I love well lower than I feel they should be, all in all the scores tend to be a pretty good indicator. They rated it 7/10 with some folks ranting and raving about it, while others say the show tried to fit too much into it. Hope this is at least somewhat helpful. 7 months ago
Eh, it’s so-so.
The drama is good-ish. The mystery is not great. The character development/acting is maybe the strongest point and even that is not amazing. Cucumberbatch is great tho, he does all the heavy lifting (as expected). The “feel” if the show is quite good tho. Production quality is good.
I’m never gonna watch it again, I don’t feel snubbed tho. It wasn’t terrible.
I think I’d give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. It’s a little above average but nobody will be talking about this show in 6 months. 7 months ago
Yeah that seem to be the general consciousness .