Maricopa has still not provided all chain of custody documents from Runbeck and USPS for the 2020 election. When Cyber Ninja’s conducted their 2021 Maricopa audit, AZ Senate President Karan Fann would not permit Doug Logan to subpoena Runbeck for signature images, or any other information. In fact, Fann purposely blocked anyone from even talking with Runbeck. Runbeck has been shielded from every investigation involving Maricopa election fraud. Even Arizona AG Brnovich refused to interview staff at Runbeck.

Concerned campaigns and election investigations should target Runbeck for data. Runbeck plays a critical role in Maricopa elections, but are never held accountable to the public. With this much control over Maricopa elections, Runbeck must be forced to open their books and become transparent?