link to original reddit post by /u/ihaphleas

I've noticed a disconnect between the public values that I profess, namely freedom/liberty, and the private values that I actually practice, basically peace and serenity, where I mostly try to keep people happy, avoid conflict, and sacrifice a bit too much of my own desires.

I think I see something similar in other people too ... and also the reverse: namely people who pursue what I would call "freedom" in their practical, personal life and promote public policies which would, in their mind anyway, provide more security (like public healthcare, UBI, etc.)

Now, it's pretty clear that a human needs to feel both relatively safe and relatively free. It's strange to me that we seem to separate the two into public and private domains ... though perhaps these are just extremes, maybe there are plenty of centrists who pick and choose from both.

So what do I "really" value more? Freedom? Or peace and serenity?

Maybe there is no contradiction and I value both. Freedom in the public sphere and "peace" in the private.

Still, what about those people who actually pursue "freedom" in their private lives --- basically having fun ... who promote "security" policies for the public. Clearly, they feel that this security provided by the "public" will allow them to be more free in their private lives.

Hmm, after saying that, maybe this isn't some grand discovery.

It just sounds like personal responsibility/liberty versus public responsibility/liberty ... and people needing to feel both that they have some freedom and that *someone* is responsible.