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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/Honestly_ on 2024-05-19 14:59:44+00:00.

Original Title: NIL-related lawsuit: Fanatics sues Marvin Harrison Jr. for breach of contract from his final year at Ohio State, claiming his failure to fulfill his contractual obligations caused potential damages in the “millions of dollars.”

Although he was recently drafted, this is an interesting case for how NIL will work going forward.

This is just the plaintiff’s perspective in the articles, but the claim is he signed an ageeement (represented by his father who was an NFL great), then took a better deal. Fanatics said they paid him for things that were not done.

Waiting until after he’s drafted with money on the way was a sensible tactical move — but also it sounds like they tried to negotiate a settlement. I could see that happening anyway.