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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/Alone_Advantage_961 on 2024-05-08 03:35:52.

This is mainly for UCONN and other Maryland fans.

15 years ago I watched one of the greatest Saturday Night ABC games between UCONN and Cincinnati, Randy Edsall vs Brian Kelly.

It was a great back and forth between two coaches seemingly on the rise and within 2 years I had both coaching my flares. Edsall to Maryland and Kelly to Notre Dame.

Both had very different paths obviously but let’s save BK for another day.

Edsall would win the Big East in 2010 but with an 8-4 record. His last game was Oklahoma blowing them out in the Fiesta Bowl and it seems Edsall never recover.

Fast forward 8 months later and Maryland is opening with Miami. The Terps win the game and all seems to be good but a clip of Edsall yelling at the players for celebrating the win emerged and it seemed to set a tone.

From there he only won one more game that season and finished 2-10. After that he reshuffled his coaching staff and brought in Mike Locksley who I think it’s proven by now he may have been the only reason Edsall lasted til 2015 as he brought in talent and ran the offense which had success.

Edsall would go back to UCONN and we know how that went.

But what happened? I’d like to hear other takes

I met Edsall the week of his final game in 2015. Upon meeting him while I had disdain for him as a coach I couldn’t help but offer support instead as he had his family there and to me that hit differently and showed me another side of it.

What are your thoughts?