can you just buy a gun and shoot without a safety course or is it a requirement in some states (I think there are hunter courses required some places, right?)
what is the benefit versus some vids online or reading manuals
(obviously I understand this is powerful stuff you need to make sure works out the first time, so I could see how in person training is helpful, although some of us have already shot guns with trained people we know) 2 years ago
Heck yeah, very excited to see this. Like putting away food or making dependable friends in your neighboring area, understanding how to use firearms is an action that will prove invaluable in the years to come. 2 years ago
I did ok given I haven’t fired a handgun in like 18 years, i got a bullseye 2 years ago
How many yards was your shot? Handguns are tough to aim straight but seems like you still got it!