The Fedipact table showing which servers are blocking Threads is not accurate!
For example, it says that is blocking Threads when, in fact, this is not correct. So view this entire site with skepticism.
Submitted 9 months ago by to
The Fedipact table showing which servers are blocking Threads is not accurate!
For example, it says that is blocking Threads when, in fact, this is not correct. So view this entire site with skepticism.
@fediversenews given how inaccurate it is, I have to wonder what the intent was. Cause it certainly doesn't seem to be meant as an accurate portrayal of which sites are and aren't federated w/ ...
(edit to add: and yes, the instance I'm on is incorrectly described)
@atomicpoet @fediversenews I am listed as being part of fedipact, which I did sign onto, but I then reconsidered. There doesn't appear to be a way to remove my name from the fedipact.
@chris well you could ask @nm it says right there on the page who created it. @fediversenews
@onepict @nm @fediversenews i could :) I'm also not hugely worried about it either. :)
@atomicpoet That table isn't the official #Fedipact site. It's run by @nm If you check their feed, you'll see they've been offline for the past few weeks due to health issues. There are problably some updates that haven't been applied.
@tokyo_0 @nm @fediversenews Point is, I never blocked Threads. How many other servers can say the same? I think the point Tokyo Outsider is making is that your alt-text accuses "fedipact" of misinformation, but the screenshot you show is not of the fedipact website.
The actual Fedipact website is here.
Your OP is a good reason not to trust the site you linked to and to use the official fedipact site instead.
@atomicpoet @fediversenews Wonder how that table is populated - your server isn't listed on which is what @FediPact links to.
@atomicpoet @fediversenews Not the first time:
Just the first example that came up in a search.
@atomicpoet @fediversenews There aren't many things that are right with the #Fedipact. 9 months ago
@atomicpoet @fediversenews Fedi-Scrapers!
(I’m sorry chris, I’ll let myself out…)