Nerds are well aware that they'll strike out every time in the Ken-and-Barbie land of Marina-style bar scenes. The sexual mainstream has already rejected them. So nerverts seek out situations in which the rules about what is and isn't desirable are simply different. One positive consequence of being a lifelong social outcast: it makes you more open to interesting alternatives.
Geek Love (1997)
Submitted 2 years ago by to [deleted] 2 years ago
I sometimes like nerds. I am an old hag, though, now. I had a crush on Techlead, Vitaly Buterin, and Lex Fridman - all men far too young for me, of course. Are they all nerdy enough? I am sapiosexual and that is another type of burden to bare. I am an INTP, a very difficult thing for a female to get away with being. Doesn't make me very popular or accepted. 2 years ago
Lol love the last sentence there.