Don't know if you know any, I call them God's little helpers.
- Typically reject traditional church teaching - they have a special connection to God
- In everybody's business 'Helping'
- Reject all dialogue and only listen to ideas that came from their own ass.
- Wear an overly religious affect.
My Mom is one of them. Thought she was a little unique till I grew up and met some of her friends. 2 years ago
This kind of thing grinds my gears, I didn't have a category for it until now. It's funny that acting better than someone because you may have realized a little truth or read some buddha is quite backwards in a spiritual sense.
These people are trying to find meaning in their lives, and so if they wear hemp clothes and talk down to others, it convinces them that they've gotten somewhere. Surely they'll find some true spirituality as they get older. 2 years ago
I wouldn't count on it. Introspection is a really rare talent. Plus people who have spent all of their lives externalizing all blame for any problem that they have aren't going to change soon or easily.