I don't like late stage abortion and glorifying it it should be a last choice for sure.
It's been nice seeing the reeking though.
Submitted 2 years ago by masterofballs@wolfballs.com to libertarian@wolfballs.com
I don't like late stage abortion and glorifying it it should be a last choice for sure.
It's been nice seeing the reeking though.
I believe the problem is much, much deeper. By the time you are debating abortion you've lost the game. It's like having throat cancer and debating about chemo or surgery. Which is better, should one be mandated?
NO, you shouldn't have smoked 3 packs a day for the past 20 years. NO, you should have addressed your addictive tendencies once you realized you were hooked. Those are the real problems, the cancer is the symptom. Abortion is a symptom of a vastly deeper problem. One of those problems is that we live in a society that views sex as purely recreational. Another one is that we view sex as a right. Neither of those are true.
If we treat our bodies the way that they are supposed to be treated, then we don't need to argue about abortion - there wouldn't be any.
I am against abortion at all times for all reasons.
Great points
squashkin@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
I'm antiabortion on conservative and freedom grounds
I do think it takes a life so it's not ok for that reason.
It also takes away the freedom of the unborn and their life so is anti-libertarian in that way.
I understand it may inconvenience some women and tread on their freedom for a certain amount of months, but the baby's freedom for years is taken away through abortion.
Traditionally most people seemed to acknowledge abortion is wrong, they just wanted women to have the freedom to deal with that difficult circumstance and make the wrong choice (Biden video is circulating about him saying something like this).
modern left has gone completely overboard and is * celebrating * abortion. I could only hope they lose all battles as a result and as a rebuke to such an unacceptable cultural shift.