(TijuanaSlumlord) (2024)

Image description: A large, menacing creature that appears to be a mix between a moth and a monster standing in the middle of a road surrounded by greenery. Its wings are spread wide, displaying an array of colors from orange to black with white bands. The creature has large, round yellow eyes that stare directly at the viewer, giving an intense and eerie feeling. It has legs and arms resembling those of a human but covered in brown fur. The sky is overcast, casting a gloomy atmosphere that enhances the ominous presence of this fantastical being.

Full Generation Parameters:

mothra!, aahhhhhh! Steps: 10, Size: 768x1024, Seed: 1167770875, Model: SDXL - T - zbaseXL_v10Alpha3, Version: f0.0.14v1.8.0rc-latest-184-g43c9e3b5, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 3, Model hash: 8f87826bb0, VAE Decoder: TAESD