The end of the world was more fun when I believed in the Rapture.... Then I became Catholic and Catholic eschatology is like two drunk chicks arguing over a man in the back seat.

It's weird, all over the place and at times, unnecessarily violent. Much more fun to watch though. I never thought that there would be so much hair pulling in Catholic theology.... I guess that is why most of the priests are bald. If women were allowed to be priests, then all this hair pulling would be way too hot, and our minds would not be on heavenly things.

Anyway, I feel that I have been negligent in my poopoo posting. The world sucks and is getting suckier. I wouldn't mind except I have kids to look after. Honestly the only relief I get is from praying the rosary which I have been doing lots of.

I used to be a firm believer that dialogue and education could turn the tide. I've spent a few years getting abused by weaponized stupidity - so sadly the only option left is helicopters and industrial grade wood chippers. I guess I am black pilled....

So, I'm just existing. Wiggle Hard.... Sorry man. Sorry you had to go through that. Masterofballs, sounds like you had a bit of fun with the Seeer. Little P.A.B. if you ask me. Kids are great. WORK, but great. I am sure that your kids are great.

What other drama have I missed out on?


Peace out all, I'll try and post more.
