When sending emails on behalf of a business you must offer the option to unsubscribe.
Being a pretty simple problem I decided to write this software myself in rust, actix, sqlite, diesel and for html templating tera. (I'm not a huge fan of spa's. regular old post perform better in pretty much all cases)
Almost done with the subscribe unsubscribe part.
Need to figure out how to send 20,000 emails via amazon now and with my domain name.
squashkin@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
oof can't you just use like mailchimp or something?
I respect the coding dedication which is probably better than a readymade tool
masterofballs@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
I think I would have to pay mailchimp a good bit for 20,000 emails.
Sending through amazon will be only a few dollars.
I just need to set up a few things like this.
I also wanted to better learn some of these technologies.
Maybe I can open source it and get some traffic here through that.
Yeah I should move over to the new domain right before this email goes out.
masterofballs@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
I was also really curious of the unsubscribe algorithm. Generating a unique I'd that can't be guessed but can be sent out to each person in their email.
Just used a uuid crate.>