Comment on Sparrows Can't Sing (1963) 2 weeks ago
[off topic?]
It’s always funny to me when I see science fiction where aliens and humans are speaking each others’ language. Listen to a new student try to handle pronunciation in a foreign tongue and you will see what I mean. I’m sure Klingons will have exactly the same voice boxes as humans. 2 weeks ago
The different aliens can produce viable offspring so aren’t even, technically, different species.
It’s the obvious result of using human actors with limited special effects make-up, but was latter addressed directly through the Progenitors. 2 weeks ago
In Trek they generally need genetic manipulation to get cross-species offspring, to the point that that not being the case for Bajorans and Cardassians opens quite a couple of interesting questions. Vulcans and Romulans are probably also compatible don’t look at me do I look like a nerd with a canon encyclopedia.
The Progenitors were introduced to explain why just about everyone is bipedal and two-eyed, but the seed dropped 4.5bn years ago, every species went through plenty of evolution of its own. Yes, birds have four limbs and two eyes just like us but we aren’t genetically compatible. 2 weeks ago