Comment on Landlords hold legal liability a tenant does not

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

In the UK, building regulations are very strict, and strongly enforced. This prevents picturesque villages and historic sites being ruined with hideous newbuulds and concrete boxes. Every market needs its range from cheap crap to attractive luxury - but not all in the same place at the same time... That would be a Parson's Egg.

All ownership and all wealth is based on contracts... Fiat currency is just individual contracts, bank accounts are contracts, land deeds are contracts, property rights are contracts, constitutions are contracts, the government owes its existence to a contract with electorate, and all the laws that protect and preserve all contracts rest on that. Creditism ("Capitalism"), is a golden goose that can be easily slaughtered in a Statist revolution, as has happened many times in history, and the rich have be careful not to bite the hand that feeds them.

That woman in the pic is highlighting an emerging risk, the likely resolution is tax and redistribution - danegeld to the proles to prevent the peasants revolting.

Right now the four horsemen of economic lockdowns, dollar strength, interest rate rises, and moneyprinted inflation causing risk of rent and mortgage defaults, threaten to reduce demand, availability, access, and eligibility for mortgage debt, and thus prompting a strange mix of house price collapses and stagflationary house price inaffordability in high demand islands of prosperity and safety.
