Advocate. Its a nice sediment. But in reality a strongman will fill that vacuum. Always has, always will.
Let’s substitute the word power for dominion. The “ideal” human doesn’t want power or dominion, but you and I don’t live in that world. People in every nation on this Earth have a presiding desire for control; control nature, control the elements, control others. Everywhere humans want control over others.
It may not be the way we want it to be, but it is how it is. 2 months ago
Not necessarily, this is extremely oversimplified.
First, Marxists advocate for building Dual Power, ie an existing “second government” to take the place of the first.
Second, Humans don’t “crave power.” Humans work towards their own self-interest, but this alone doesn’t translate to “power.” 2 months ago
Advocate. Its a nice sediment. But in reality a strongman will fill that vacuum. Always has, always will.
Let’s substitute the word power for dominion. The “ideal” human doesn’t want power or dominion, but you and I don’t live in that world. People in every nation on this Earth have a presiding desire for control; control nature, control the elements, control others. Everywhere humans want control over others.
It may not be the way we want it to be, but it is how it is. 2 months ago
No, what you say isn’t true at all, nor are you speaking in real terms but vibes. You’re historically wrong and sociologically wrong.