Comment on Civic Nationalism vs Ethnic Nationalism

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

do you think women were held accountable in the past? Was it like the 1960s when it stopped, or earlier?

definitely didn't used to be like this. but there are also stories of men being falsely accused like in the Bible so it may be an ancient problem

also I don't know the timeline on things, but there used to be more ethnic churches with Catholics. Orthodox are still organized somewhat ethnically I think. Protestants idk, not as much?

anyway in the past it doesn't seem like it was really even a question, a lot of the ethnicities just stayed separate, but there was also overlap but it was a minority of the population so didn't pose a question to the stability of these ethnicities. today things seem very different.

I see more mixed couples out in public. I think whites having a kind of "dominance" (being majority, etc.) might lead to race mixing to even it all out, as the white men or women feel held to a higher standard when dating each other and can escape that higher standard by just dating another race. idk what incentives would override this for a lot of people.

> white guy rejected by lots of white women just dates eager non-white. white woman not willing to be held to any standard just dates non-white man as white women are racially ranked higher in attractiveness on certain preference polls and so non-white men are often eager to date them.
