Comment on Video - ReclaimTheNet Falsely Claims That Odysee Is Decentralized And Pro-Free Speech (TTOR) ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

While ignoring your racist Jew stuff but in regards to the decentralization of Odyssey.

I've been trying to explain this across the internet for a while. People don't have a good handle on decentralization.

In order to be both decentralized and censorship resistant you need a couple things,

  1. There needs to exist multiple copies of the data.
  2. There needs to exist multiple ways to access the data.

Block chains do this really well for payment transactions. The reason is

  1. Payment transactions are small and easy to distribute across many nodes
  2. There is incentives to run multiple nodes. (mining)

In the case of blockchain social media things are much different. In every case i've seen there is only ever one node and usually only one way to access the data. Because there is no incentive to run a node. So it's not decentralized, and more importantly it's not censorship resistant.

Federation is a better model for most things.

Take this post for example, it exist here and

Now right now deleting post does seem to be federating. So if I delete this post it could delete it there. I might need to disable that and maybe bring it up to the lemmy devs about having that disabled in a setting somewhere. I can do that dev work.

Federation isn't perfect. It relies on domain registrar, which hasn't been a big deal in the past I can see it could be one day.

Each instance owns the credentials but not necessarily the post data because that is distributed. The user credentials can be revoked.(This isn't that big of a deal though and can be worked around)

imo there should exist a good peer to peer social media. I have not seen a good one yet. Scuttle butt is a good attempt but needs improvement.

Really it should be paired with a federated site.

So it you want to really want to be un-censorable,

Have a personal website with links to your profiles on multiple federated instances. If you have something to say that is highly controversial, print it and spread it physically. You can attach QR codes that link to your site.

Block chain social media usually only has one node and that is no different than any other database. Except making code changes will be slower. Because it's more complicated.
