Comment on New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+

<- View Parent ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

It’s convoluted and stupid, but running your streaming service as a separate entity is how all the studios have it rigged up. Accounting ftw

Convoluted, indeed. At this point, Paramount+ has zero say in Prodigy. Maybe Paramount+ even mentioning the existence of Prodigy might mess up their write-off (I’m saying this with zero sympathy for the “creative” accounting, just to be clear). I have no idea where Nickelodeon even factors in the Prodigy rights situation. Paramount allowed a sneak peek at Prodigy season 2, episode 1 before, WOW - Prodigy Second Season Sneak Peek!. All in all, a very frustrating situation. It seems the best we can do is keep Prodigy’s name alive online and in letters.
