We dont get access to israel Nor should jews get access to white nations
You can convert to Judaism, marry a Jewish Girl and move to Israel. Its not even that hard, my retarded uncle did.
Your average Jew is just like anyone else. They don't have horns, they work normal Jobs.
You just read to much internet lore that bases conclusions on cherry picked data.
TheSeeer@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
masterofballs@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
This is a little to borderline for me to feel comfortable with. I am not a lawyer so I can't pick exactly what is legal and what is not. Please refrain from using the word dead Jew in any context that could be considered a call to action. This will result in a ban in the future.
TheSeeer@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
How was what I said "a call to action"? I did not advocate violence in any way. People die all the time, no matter if they're White, Jews, negroids, spics or Asians. Jews, just like it is with any other ethnicity, can die in multiple ways. They can get a heart attack, get cancer (tho they themselves are cancer), drown, have a stroke, there's so many possibilities. I didn't specify that I want them to get killed, I'm not calling for any action.