I was wondering about encryption (is this what you’re talking about?) because these algorithms change so frequently I’d be surprised if they had anything back then considered ‘secure’ by now.
Comment on Is there any security in the communication with Voyager I?
Deestan@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Consider why a very strong passkey is protective: It is expensive to crack it. Either you spend a ton of expensive computing power to crack it, or you arrange bribes or kidnapping. At some point, the cost is beyond “lol” budget and needs to be worth it for a lot of powerful people.
So basically it’s protected by an extremely strong password. :)
VegOwOtenks@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Deestan@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Well, sorta. I ruled it out because hardware of that era, limited by Voyager’s power supply, could not do encrypted communication beyond wet paper bag levels.
Buy encrypted communication is all based on same as a passkey in the end (a sequence of secret bytes), whether we are talking encryption based off public/private keys, symmetric keys, elliptic curve, passphrases etc, so it’s comparable enough for the point I was aiming for. :)
yoevli@lemmy.world 2 months ago
I mean, you can’t exactly just throw computing power at modern cryptography and expect to get results. I don’t know the exact numbers off the top of my head, but I believe all the computing power on Earth right now would take on the order of at least thousands of years to brute force a good password hash (assuming a strong password), and that’s assuming the attacker already has the salt. This makes it less of a budgetary constraint and much more of a practical one.
Deestan@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Correct. But also xkcd.com/538/ . Hence why I said “or bribes and kidnappings”.
shortwavesurfer@lemmy.zip 2 months ago
Quantum computers could feasibly do it. However, even Google’s project willow at 105 qubits is not enough. Because if it were, we would have much bigger problems like, oh, I don’t know, the encryption that protects your bank account and HTTPS connections.
rikudou@lemmings.world 2 months ago
Post-quantum encryption is a thing.
shortwavesurfer@lemmy.zip 2 months ago
That’s true. I just don’t know of a lot of mainstream things that have deployed it quite yet. Like I do not think HTTPS is post quantum secure, or at least not that I’m aware of.